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Gifts for a child

  • Gift cup - Dino 330ml
    Gift cup - Dino 330ml

    Gift cup – Dino 330ml

  • Gift cup - Bunny
    Gift cup - Bunny

    Gift cup – Bunny

  • Water bottle - Flowers
    Water bottle - Flowers

    Water bottle – Flowers


Present for a child

Children love receiving presents and eagerly wait for all holidays, when they can expect to receive them. The most anticipated holidays for them are birthdays and Christmas.

On their birthday the little ones are the centre of attention and are given a lot of surprises. Christmas is that enchanted magical time, when the grown-ups become much better.

There are other occasions as well when children can receive presents.

Usually children get presents on Children’s Day, 1st June. Usually they tell what they want and most often these include sweets and toys.

Along with the overall upbringing, the little ones need to be guided into building values on the way they celebrate and receive presents.

Ideas for a present for a 3-year-old

Here’s an idea for a surprise, which could be very interesting for the child, but it would never come up with it.

Children love animals and each little one has its favorite animal. Boys prefer more realistic animal figurines and girls – cuter ones. That’s why all children will be delighted to receive an animal figurine.

A piggy bank would be a great present for the child and will teach it to be thrifty. A photo frame to save happy memories, a beautiful box to collect treasures or an original cup to drink a favorite drink are also suitable options.

Children’s holidays are a suitable occasion to serve food in new interesting dishes.

For older girls you can choose:

a romantic item

a beautiful flower pot

a two-floor cupcake stand

ice cream bowls

a fruit bowl with fresh fruits in it, etc.

For teenage boys it would be suitable to receive a figurine of a knight, a dragon or a wild animal.

Don’t wait for a special occasion to give a present to your little one. The best surprises always come when there’s no occasion at all.

Except for parents, relatives, acquaintances and friends can also give presents to children for official occasions. We already mentioned the baby parties, a new-born party, a Christening or a birthday and if you are invited to such an event, you have to choose something appropriate.

On such occasions give a beautiful cup, a children’s feeding set, a piggy bank, a photo frame, a souvenir, an interesting box, etc.

To add an individual touch, use some imagination and make a festive composition by arranging a basket of flowers, decorative elements – butterflies, ladybirds, animal figurines and souvenirs with messages for good luck. For the children’s holidays it is suitable to give candies, sweets and other treats. They can leave a sweet memory but if they are arranged in a beautiful tray, especially if it is two-floored, the surprise will be impressive on the day itself and it will remain to be used as a practical and a beautiful item afterwards. The cake sets are very suitable as well.

Presents and surprises should be put in a gift box, together with a greeting card and a message.
